Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Ambition's Lament

I entertain so many interests. Yet, I command so little time, money and energy. How did DaVinci do it? I mean how did he generate all the ideas, inventions and paintings. I suppose I can accept that he was a gifted superior intellect bounding with creativity, but the commensurate productivity is so impressive as to almost be suspect.
I have many interests. My mind burns for stimulation like an addict writhing for a fix. Electronic wizardry was once my drug of choice. Eventually, the irresistible progression of technology evolved my demons to include computers and programming. As time went on, other creative endeavors that revived simpler technologies teased at me with their devilish allure. Woodworking, cooking, and yes, prosaic and poetic expression all bait my curiosity.
Oh! The frustration with the elusiveness of accomplishment in so many pursuits. Marshalling simultaneously the time, money, and energy to devote to all of these beckoning aspirations would be a marvelous feat indeed. How did DaVinci do it?

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