Thursday, September 01, 2011


I cannot prove that God exists. God transcends human understanding. There are no scientific methods, experiments or tangible observations that can be made to test His existence. There is no flow of logic from premise to syllogisms to conclusion that validate this proposition. It is at least somewhat comforting that the converse cannot be proven either. The evidence of His absence is indistinguishable from the absence of the evidence. Appealing to ignorance to derive a proof is a fallacy.

I believe in God without insisting that the arrogant human demand for control of the universe be satisfied. God need not be bound by the laws of Physics, sometimes regarded as synonymous with "Natural Law". God is "super" natural. God is divine.

That I can believe and desire to believe are evidence enough of His existence. That I feel Him within me as surely as I feel my own heartbeat, I have no doubt. That is His gift which I freely and happily accept.

The world is immense and complex. It's vastness includes space, matter, energy and life. These provide a canvas for beauty and love. I see beauty everywhere. I know love. God is love.

God is real.